SOCIOCATE is a collaborative open-knowledge education online platform to develop and reinforce socio-emotional skills in kids and adults as a path towards social sustainability. Recognizing that socio-emotional education is a key factor for children's successful development, and that this education is not accessible everywhere nor for everyone. We seek to generate a space that provides parents and teachers (regardless of their nationality or social status) access to socio-emotional education content to equip their children and teens for life. Where does this content come from? A team of pedagogues and psychologists validate the activities uploaded by volunteer teachers/pedagogues/psychologists from all around the world. The set of skills that Sociocate works with, are all of those that fall under the “Big Five” Domains defined by the OECD: Emotional regulation, Collaboration, Open-mindness, Engaging with others, task performance and Compound Skills.
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Hey there, my name is Alexandra and I am part of the Socialab team. Welcome to the Play Challenge! Thank you for submitting your application
hace 4 años
Hi Alexandra, thank you.
hace 4 años

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abre el 21 de julio

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