
EduEMPLEA increases productivity/competitiveness of companies through tailored-made vocational training, enhancing professional and personal development of individuals, by intentionally integrating three key players intentionally: teachers, students and companies.The students are operative staff/personnel (labourers, bus drivers, farmers, cashiers, etc.) and medium-level staff/personnel (supervisors, master builders, etc), which are the people that have less access to education and more training needs in Latin America. EduEMPLEA has three working lines or services:1. OPEN Education2. ON the job training3. Corporate Technical SchoolsEduEMPLEA is an innovative business-level project that ís having a great impact in Colombia and Ecuador by revolutionizing the vocational training and the education for employment. We are convinced that every person in Latin America (and hopefully in the world) should receive a high quality, pertinent and relevant education in the way EduEMPLEA does it.
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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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