Fixion based education model

To Build the Creativity One spaceship in which children will travel to the universe of imagination. It will be a spaceship of 6 to 8 meters of height, with 1 or 2 levels, removable, manufactured with metallic scaffolds of high security. The whole ship will be designed so the children can interact with it. It will be free of furniture, so that it can be furnished according to the projects that are generated. It will have certain additions so that they can be used for didactic and / or play activities.The ship will be installed in exterior or interior next to a pair of working tents, with tables and containers of materials for workshops.Recyclable materials will be used, cut and assembled with a system of tools and unions original of fixionautas, designed in conjunction with CEDIM. This system is safe for children from 4 years of age everything the spacecraft. Fiction base education model would happen inside the ship.
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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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